Contact us
116 123 free from any phone
0330 094 5717 local call charges apply
59A Cholmeley Road
Reading RG1 3NB
Where we work
How we can help
Accessibility information
- Unfortunately we are unable to receive callers in person at our Centre at present but please call the above numbers if you need to talk to someone.
Welcome to Reading Samaritans!

Unfortunately we are unable to receive callers in person at our Centre at present but if you are in emotional distress and need support we are always available via phone: 116 123 (free from any phone) and email: [email protected].
We're an active branch, made up of 150 dedicated volunteers who all play a vital part in supporting our callers - whether by phone, email, in person at our branch or at community events across Berkshire.
Last year we answered more than 40,000 calls - could you help us continue being there when and where our callers need us most? We're currently looking for:
Why volunteer with us?
Read testimonials from a user of the Samaritan service, a volunteer and a trustee.
Samaritans in the local community
See some of the recent activities of our Outreach team, including our ongoing work in schools.
Reading Samaritans has a very active Schools Outreach Team currently delivering the Samaritans Emotional Wellbeing Workshop to students in local schools. These interactive and lively sessions focus on sharing stress-busters and coping skills and promote self-caring techniques. For more information please contact us at [email protected].
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Our privacy statement
At Samaritans, privacy is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information that we hold. Read our privacy statement here.