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Samaritans of Portsmouth and East Hampshire

Contact us

116 123 free from any phone

0330 094 5717 local call charges apply

296 London Road
North End
Portsmouth PO2 9JN

Where we work

Portsmouth, Gosport, Fareham, Petersfield, Havant, Hayling island, Liss

How we can help

  • Wheelchair accessible

Welcome to Samaritans of Portsmouth and East Hampshire.

Like all Samaritans branches we are here to support anyone who is distressed or suicidal. Each year our volunteers answer more than 30,000 calls. (We no longer offer face-to-face meetings.)

Our Volunteers

Our volunteers come from a wide range of backgrounds and walks of life. Some of the younger ones fit volunteering round student life. Some of the senior volunteers have 40 years or more experience. Anyone who is over 18, wants to help others, and is tolerant and open-minded is welcome to join us. There is more information about joining us here.

Our Branch

Samaritans of Portsmouth and East Hampshire is affiliated to the National Samaritans organisation, but is also registered charity in our own right. We have to raise funds to cover all the costs of running our branch.

Supporting Us

We need your help to cover the costs of our centre at 296 London Rd, training and supporting our volunteers, and of our outreach work. If you’d like to give online simply go to our JustGiving page here. You can also give by text. Just text TALK to 70560 to give £3. (This costs £3 plus one standard network rate message).

You can also support us, at no cost to yourself, using EasyFundRaising. EasyFundRaising turn your everyday online shopping into free donations to your chosen charity. You can raise donations for us whenever you shop online. Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. To sign up and support us click here.

Sam’s Place in Southsea

Sam’s Place is a unique charity shop and community hub in Southsea. They raise funds for us, and also work to reduce isolation and loneliness in the community. Please do visit them, or donate to them. They are at 6 Grove Road South, PO5 3QT, close to St Jude's Church. You can contact them on 023 9282 1199 and [email protected].

As well as selling from their shop they sell interesting & unusual items online on eBay. Please do have a look: you might find something you love, and help us at the same time!


As well as their work in the branch our volunteers are active in our local community. Our outreach includes:

  • Visiting schools, to introduce the children to Samaritans, and help them support the emotional health of themselves and their friends
  • Visiting all our local railway stations, especially after an incident, to raise awareness of the support we offer
  • Maintaining contact with hospitals and GP surgeries, helping them to understand when to refer people to us
  • Veterans Outreach, letting veterans know we are there for them when they need us
  • We reach out to high risk groups and communities to reduce the risk of suicide.


Please do follow us on Twitter/X : @PortsmouthSama1

Please do get in touch

If you have any questions about Portsmouth and East Hampshire Samaritans please do contact us by emailing [email protected].

Our privacy statement

At Samaritans, privacy is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information that we hold. Read our privacy statement here.

Samaritans of Portsmouth and East Hampshire is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales (1173720)