Help create a world where fewer people die by suicide.

Small Talk Saves Lives
Your words are a life-saving kit. If you see someone who doesn’t look OK, a little small talk could save their life. Anyone can do it.

Saving Lives Can't Wait
Suicide rates in England are as high now as they were 20 years ago. This is unacceptable. Saving lives can't wait: the time for action is now.

Brew Monday 2025
This Brew Monday, 20 January, Samaritans is reminding everyone to reach out for a cuppa and a catch-up with the people you care about.
Real People, Real Stories
Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50, with men aged 20-59 at the highest risk. We commissioned a survey that shows there's still a stigma around men seeking help when they're struggling.

Samaritans Awareness Day - 24/7
Every year in July, Samaritans branches in the UK and Republic of Ireland hold local events to raise awareness that Samaritans are here to listen to anyone who's struggling to cope, at any time of the day or night.

World Suicide Prevention Day
Every year, on 10 September, organisations around the world get together to raise awareness about suicide prevention.

World Mental Health Day
This World Mental Health Day, we're reminding you to check in and catch up with someone you care about.