Welcome to our Lived Experience opportunities page, this is where we'll share details of lived experience roles, activities and research you can get involved in.
This could involve working alongside us on specific projects, joining an advisory group, or taking part in a workshop.
If you have experience of suicidal thoughts, self-harm or you’ve lost someone to suicide, we’d like your help to shape the work we do.
Opportunities will come and go so if there's nothing live at the moment don't worry, we're working on new projects and they'll be posted as soon as we're able.
Take part in Research - Evaluating surveillance technologies for suicide prevention in public places
What - We are holding interviews about the role technology may be able to play in suicide prevention in public spaces such as bridges or coastal locations. The aim of these interviews is to find out how we can best support people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts in public spaces and what role (if any) technology could play in this. You may have strong views in favour of or against technology, or you may not have a strong opinion about it.
During the interview, we will ask you to share your experiences with suicidal thoughts or attempts, so we can learn more about people’s lived experience. We will also discuss surveillance technology, such as smart CCTV, automatic number plate recognition, drones, or automatic announcements / alerts, including what you think about the possible effectiveness and acceptability of these. If you would prefer not to discuss your personal experience, there is no pressure to. You will still be able to take part, we can discuss your thoughts on the technology.
Why - Hearing people’s experiences and thoughts on this topic will help develop an understanding of how surveillance technologies are perceived and what the possible effects of them may be. We hope that this will help us to produce guidance for public spaces that may already have or are considering installing technology to assist them with suicide prevention. This should help find ways of best supporting people who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts in public places.
When - Date to be arranged with you Time commitment - Around an hr
Who - People with a range of experiences/perspectives on suicide e.g.,
- Those who have experienced suicidal thoughts or attempts themselves,
- Those who have cared for people experiencing suicidal thoughts,
- Those who have been bereaved by suicide,
- Or any combination of these
You can claim and £25 voucher for taking part
Support - Before the interview starts, we’ll ask you to think about what you can do to look after yourself and who you can reach out to after the interview.
After the interview you will be provided with a list of resources that are free/cheap to access and that can be accessed instantly if you are feeling upset after taking part. This will include phone numbers, websites and SMS text numbers.
How - If you are interested in this research or have any questions please contact
Beth Cliffe [email protected]
We take data protection seriously, we will always explain how we will use and store your data for each opportunity.
You can read our organisational privacy statements here
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