Run with us at London Marathon 2025

  • Up to a full day
  • Alone or with others
  • Fundraising
  • 27 April 2025
  • London
  • Apply now

Run with #TeamSamaritans in the 2025 TCS London Marathon

Be part of the excitement by joining us at the 2025 TCS London Marathon. Places to run in the TCS London Marathon are limited so be sure to include detail in your application about why you’d love to join #TeamSamaritans. Every pound you raise will mean we can help more people struggling to cope. If you’re awarded a place, we’ll be with you every step of the way with training plans, fundraising tips and an unforgettable marathon day experience

All #TeamSamaritans runners will receive:

  • Fundraising tips and tricks from previous runners
  • Training guidance designed to help you make the most of your marathon prep
  • Hands-on support from the Samaritans team who are there for you, every step of the way
  • An official finisher's t-shirt and medal

Samaritans are an amazing organisation that saved my life. A conversation with a Samaritan bought me back from a very dark place -without that call there is a high likelihood that I wouldn't be here today. Running the marathon is a little way for me to pay back the support that the Samaritans gave to me when I needed someone the most. I hope that the money I raise will help others who are struggling and feel that they can't go on anymore.

Laura, London Marathon Runner

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