Administration Volunteer at Bristol Branch

  • Ongoing
  • Alone or with others
  • Volunteering
  • Anytime
  • Bristol branch
  • Apply now

Bristol Branch are looking for voluntary support with a variety of administration tasks.

What's involved

There are a number of areas that somebody could be helpful, even if they took on just one:

  • Helping coordinate skills practitioners for training courses
  • Matching up interviewers with interviewees
  • Working with volunteers to match them up with empty listening shift slots.
  • Purchasing and topping up supplies.

Time commitment

  • Would not be constant, but in chunks. 
  • Depends on when activities are running, but it could up to 4 hours spread over the course of a given week when things were happening.

Need support? Call 116 123 to speak to a Samaritan or

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