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Danny's story

That first step of acknowledging and expressing that something isn't right is the biggest step you'll take. Talking truly saves lives. You're never alone.

Talking to Samaritans helped Danny find the words to say he was struggling.

Danny has struggled with his mental health since 2018. During his lowest points, he turned to self-harm and considered taking his own life. Emailing Samaritans helped him process his thoughts and emotions.

"I would regularly say that I was fine and just feeling tired. It was my go-to answer if somebody noticed I wasn't myself or if I was being quiet. In reality, I was feeling hopeless, thinking that life wasn't worth living anymore.

"What helped me was emailing Samaritans for emotional support. Writing everything down helped me get it off my chest. Knowing they were taking the time to read and understand what I was saying was encouraging. It gave me some relief that things could get better.

"It took a little while to tell friends and family, but I got there eventually, their support was just as encouraging, it was good to have that."

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