444 results found for “thoughts”
Celebrating 60 years of listening in Scotland
On June 1st, 1959, a volunteer at our Edinburgh branch answered the first call to Samaritans in Scotland.
The Listening Walker at Durham Samaritans
On Wednesday May 15th, fellow volunteer David Matthews arrived at our branch, as part of his epic trek around the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
Samaritans offer support to Rural and Farming Communities
Samaritans offer support to anyone who has been struggling with the challenges in life.
Struggling with the Challenges in Life – Samaritans provide Support
Brexit. Back Stop. Hard Border. Indecision. Confusion. Are you worried about how Brexit will affect your livelihood, business or future?
Samaritans volunteers in Ireland answer almost 3 million calls over five years of freephone 116 123
Cindy O’Shea, Samaritans Irish Regional Director, said this ongoing financial backing from the industry will ensure anyone who need emotional support can continue to call Samaritans for free for another five years.
- 1st April 2019
- Press release
- Ireland
Tractor Run in support of Samaritans of Ballymena 13th April 2019
Samaritans offer support to Rural and Farming Communities
Rules for Being a Man
On Monday 1st October, Norwich Samaritans were invited to a rehearsal of Rules for Being a Man; a new Norfolk-based play on men’s mental health by All-in Productions.
- 15th October 2018
Steve's story for Real People, Real Stories
Steve struggled after a suicide in the family. Watch him tell his story as part of our Real People, Real Lives campaign.
Real People, Real Stories
Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50, with men aged 20-59 at the highest risk. We commissioned a survey that shows there's still a stigma around men seeking help when they're struggling.
Earth To Alice
Earth To Alice
- 26th October 2018
Once a Samaritan, always a Samaritan!
- 11th May 2018
Thanks a Millican, say Samaritans
Samaritans volunteers across the UK and Ireland are celebrating after Sarah Millican helped them raise more than £180,000 to support their life-saving work.
- 7th December 2017
- All
One in three people who call Samaritans are lonely or feel isolated
One in three people who pick up the phone to call Samaritans disclose they are lonely or feel isolated, according to new research* released today.
- 19th September 2018
- Press release
- Ireland
Suicide kills three times more people than road traffic accidents, we urgently need to act
Samaritans today welcomes the government’s focus on improved mental health services and strengthened suicide prevention work but wants today’s announcements to result in lives saved.
- 9th January 2017
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Samaritans volunteers set to listen for a hundred thousand hours this Christmas
Mental health, family, isolation and loneliness expected to be top concerns
- 11th December 2017
- All
Saving his life from this warm sausage tea?
Samaritans’ misheard lyrics quiz puts country’s listening skills to the test
- 4th July 2016
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Work is the number one cause of stress in the UK
Work is the number one cause of stress in people's lives and can have a significant impact on their wellbeing.
- 21st March 2013
- All
Samaritans volunt-heroes give more than 5 million hours a year to save lives
This Volunteers’ Week (1-12 June 2016) Samaritans has revealed that its volunteers give 5.5 million hours of their time every year to save lives.
- 31st May 2016
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Tribute to Jill Howell
Alison Pratt, Director of Brighton, Hove and District Samaritans branch, said:
- 3rd May 2018
- All
Samaritans and YouTube guru Primrose Kitten team up to help teenagers beat exam stress
Exam stress affects a large proportion of teenagers every year. About two million young people in the UK will be taking exams this summer.
- 17th May 2017
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