Chapter 3: About Samaritans in Ireland

  • Our listening service is always there, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  • We answer a call for help every 56 seconds*
  • Our volunteers spend over 100,000 hours a year responding to approximately 1,500 calls for help every day
  • Our trained prison Listeners offered 400 hours of support to fellow inmates and we saw a 400% increase in calls to our helpline from people in prison·
  • We have over 2,000 incredible Samaritans volunteers, in 21 branches, across the island of Ireland
  • Our helpline supports Irish diaspora living in Poland, China, UAE, Australia and Canada

Making a difference within the community

  • We will improve our access, and our reach, across the island of Ireland
  • We will measure the impact our work has in reducing self-harm and suicide
  • We will ensure our volunteers are supported and valued during their time with Samaritans
  • We will place the voice of people with lived experience to the forefront of all our work
  • We will grow our volunteer base across the island of Ireland
  • We will work with government to influence and change policy
  • We will research the issues around self-harm and suicide, and make sure this informs the way we work
  • We will continue to partner with like-minded organisations
  • We will continue to work as part of Samaritans UK and Ireland

*A 'call for help' is any contact method made to Samaritans for support, for example by phone, email, letter or face to face in branch. All figures are based on the 2020 calendar year and represent both Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland, unless otherwise stated.

**Republic of Ireland only

Need support? Call 116 123 to speak to a Samaritan or

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