Priority 5: Sustainability
5. Build meaningful relationships with our supporters to ensure our sustainability
Our challenge
To remain fit for the future, Samaritans needs more long-term supporters who will be part of the journey with us.
Our ambition
To ensure our long-term sustainability by securing the support needed to keep us strong and by taking steps to ensure our activities and organisation are fit for the future.
Scottish objectives:
- We will build our capacity and capability to ensure all our Scottish work is better informed by those with lived experience of suicide and self-harm, and by the insights of marginalised communities.
- We will offer new opportunities for Samaritans and supporters in Scotland to influence those in power and play their part in making positive, tangible change to help save lives.
- We will work to build the income available to us within Scotland to deliver this plan to reduce suicide.
- We will demonstrate to current and potential supporters of our work that Samaritans is a force for good in Scotland, delivering significant impact and offering opportunities to work with us to invest in our vision that fewer people die by suicide.
Serving on Samaritans’ Scotland Committee means looking at the ways we can reduce the risk factors surrounding suicide and self-harm for people living in Scotland. In these uncertain times, it’s vital the charity keeps trying to do more – and obtains the resources to do so.
Karen Lafferty, Member of Scotland Committee