Priority 2: Reach
2. Reach more people to let them know we’re here
Our challenge
We are not yet good enough at reaching people whose circumstances mean they might have a higher risk of suicide, such as those living in deprivation or who are marginalised.
Our ambition
To be more visible and relevant, particularly to a more diverse range of people and communities, so those who might need us most, trust us and know we’re here for them.
Scottish objectives:
1. We will develop our activities focused on diverse groups in Scotland who may experience increased suicide risk factors, and we will share our insights to shape national policy, concentrating initially on:
- Lone and isolated workers in remote communities,
- people who self-harm, and
- people in the criminal justice system.
2. We will build collaborative partnerships at national level, seeking joint funding to commission new research on suicide, inequity and marginalisation, to increase shared understanding of Scottish risk factors and campaign for change.
3. We will develop training packages to support wellbeing and connection within specific Scottish communities – focused initially on a new project in the West Highland mainland and Skye, where Samaritans currently has no on-the-ground presence.
4. We will work with partners to support reductions in risk at key Scottish locations of concern, at both national and community levels.
By bringing people together and using our network, research and experience, we are informed by a diverse range of voices. We have used our collective voice to influence local and national policy, successfully campaigning for a dedicated self-harm strategy. We’ll continue to engage with communities across Scotland, so that we reach more people, and in doing we ensure that fewer people reach crisis point.
Danielle Rowley, Influencing Manager, Samaritans Scotland