Chapter 5: Priority 2: Reach

2. Reach more people to let them know we’re here

Our challenge

We are not yet good enough at reaching people whose circumstances mean they might have a higher risk of suicide, such as those living in deprivation or who are marginalised.

Our ambition

To be more visible and relevant, particularly to a more diverse range of people and communities, so those who might need us most see us, trust us and know we’re here for them.

We’ll actively go out into a more diverse range of communities so that the people who need us most see us, trust us and know we're here for them. We will do this together with the most relevant people, organisations and industries, as well as strengthening our existing work within local communities.

We will:

  • Promote a compassionate response to distress, building on and developing the tools we have created.
  • Promote our service and the importance of seeking help through campaigns, especially focusing on priority groups and individuals, including those experiencing disadvantage and those who self-harm.
  • Complete and implement, and evaluate the outcomes of, the review of our Welsh Language Scheme.
  • Support local engagement with regional and local suicide and self-harm prevention fora so that Samaritans has a credible, influential and consistent presence and contribution.
  • Increase the reach of Samaritans into communities which need us most.
  • Support the prison and railway partnerships.
  • Work with partners to mitigate risks at sites of concern.
  • Support local and regional collaborations, where they will assist the people we support.
  • Increase the accessibility of our emotional distress resources and links to wider sources of help, including through resource held on our website.

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