Chapter 7: Priority 4: Capacity

4. Increase our capacity to become one team of valued, diverse, skilled people

Our challenge

Samaritans’ impact is limited by a lack of diverse representation in our people, by our capacity issues and the pressure some roles are under, and by our existing organisational structure.

Our ambition

To meet the demand for our services by recruiting more people, giving them the best support so they stay with us longer and work effectively together as one Samaritans team.

We'll strive to become more flexible and supportive so that a wider range of people can fit volunteering into their lives and so we fully reflect the communities we serve. We will support personal development, which will encourage and inspire volunteers and staff to commit to us for as long as possible.

We will:

  • Ensure the Samaritans Wales staff and Board Committee have the necessary breadth of expertise and organisational capability to deliver on the strategy.
  • Support and promote understanding of all the activities of Samaritans in Wales, sharing learning and supporting effective communication.
  • Support the wider organisational work to prioritise equity, diversity and inclusion, building on the work of the EDI pilot with branches in Wales.
  • Collaborate with colleagues, supporting the identification and carrying out of key cross-jurisdiction work.

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