We’re researching the factors that drive suicide and using it to recommend the policy changes needed to save more lives.

Suicide facts and figures
We're the only organisation collating suicide data for all UK nations and Ireland.

Our latest work
Read and download our most recent reports, briefings and research.

National and local suicide prevention strategies
We’re working with governments across the UK and Ireland to make their national strategies for suicide prevention as ambitious and effective as possible. Read our recommendations.

Support for people who self-harm
Our report, Pushed from pillar to post, shows that there is no consistently effective support available to people who self-harm.

Inequality and suicide
People living in the most disadvantaged communities face the highest risk of dying by suicide. Read our recommendations and report.

Coronavirus and suicide
Samaritans research on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on people’s wellbeing.

The internet and suicide
The role online content can play in suicide risk and self harm is complex. Read about our research and recommendations for online safety.

Young people and suicide
Many young people say they often feel lonely and that it's difficult to get the help and support they need.

Middle-aged men and suicide
Middle-aged men are more likely to die by suicide than any other age group. We have conducted years of research to explore what can be done to better support men who are struggling.

Alcohol and suicide
There is a strong link between alcohol and suicide. We've explored this relationship with people who've experienced it themselves.

Prisons and suicide
People in prison are significantly more likely to die by suicide than people in the general population.

Understanding our services
Research shows the impact of Samaritans services for people in emotional distress.

Suicide bereavement services
The impact of suicide can be complex and acute.

Gender and suicide
Suicide is a gendered problem. An in-depth understanding of the role of gender as a factor influencing suicide risk is key to improving suicide prevention for both, men and women.

Gambling-related harms and suicide
Samaritans is undertaking a programme of work around suicide and gambling-related harms. Read our policy position here.

Current tenders for research and evaluation projects
We commission numerous research and evaluation projects each year.

Become a Samaritans campaigner
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Ethnicity, cultural identity and suicide
There is some evidence that suicide rates are unequal between different ethnic groups.
Armed Forces and Veterans
Samaritans works with the Ministry of Defence, the Office for Veterans’ Affairs, other charities and researchers to support serving personnel in the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families.

LGBTQ+ communities and suicide
We worked with 11 Lived Experience Advisors to identify what needs to change to prevent suicides for LGBTQ+ people.

Saving lives through suicide prevention - a manifesto
Suicide rates in England are the same now as they were in 2001. This must change.

The economic cost of suicide
Our report on the cost of suicide in the UK shows the need for Government investment in suicide prevention.