Download document: BSI PAS 5222 - Safeguarding Children in Out of School Settings - Certificate of Compliance
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Bramah HR and Safeguarding have audited and certificated Samaritans for achieving British Standards Institution (BSI) PAS5222 Standard, Safeguarding Children in Out of School Settings.
Samaritans has just achieved the new British Standards Institution (BSI) standard ‘Safeguarding children in out of school settings - PAS5222’.
BSI is the national body responsible for preparing British Standards and other standards-related publications, information and services.
The new standard came into effect on 05 March 2024 and Samaritans commissioned BramahHR and Safeguarding to complete the inspection and audit.
BramahHR and Safeguarding held a range of interviews with key stakeholders and those responsible for delivering safeguarding practice to young people.
This included interviews with staff and volunteer safeguarding leads and senior operational leads alongside a thorough assessment of our safeguarding training policy and approach, safer recruitment practices, review of relevant organisational policies and procedures and a review of relevant governance processes in relation to safeguarding.
Samaritans were awarded the standard on 24 November 2024.
Mark Bramah, Sponsor of (BSI) PAS5222, presents certificate of compliance to Samaritans Executive Director of Operations, Lis Skeet
The standard evidences that Samaritans has the correct safeguarding procedures in place and that staff and volunteers are aware of the risks and issues that can occur when supporting young people and how to deal with them.
If you would like to know more about this work please contact [email protected]
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