Suicide is a complex and emotional subject. It can be something many people find difficult or distressing to talk about.
The more we develop our understanding of suicide, the more confident we become at having supportive conversations with people at risk – conversations that can save lives.
Our Handling suicidal conversations half-day course will help employees apply the skills they learned on our Conversations with Vulnerable People course. Enabling them to have conversations with someone who is having thoughts of suicide, or showing signs of suicidal behaviour.
Couse Objectives
This course will help participants to:
- Understand the risk factors and feelings that can lead to suicidal thoughts
- Recognise signs of suicidal thoughts
- Develop skills and confidence to have conversation with someone at risk of suicide
- Explore way to assess and respond to risk
Interested in this course?
Get in touch with our team today.

It was very informative, interesting and covered so many of the skills required if talking to a distressed person who might be considering suicide.
Course attendee