Download document: Self harm myths and facts
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This session teaches people how to recognise self-harming behaviour in ourselves and others.
In this session we will learn: some of the facts about self-harming behaviour; to recognise self-harming behaviour in ourselves and others; how to ask for help when needed and that it is ok to ask for help; how to support a friend
214.0 kb - PDF
1 hour
Create a safe and positive learning environment by agreeing ground rules for the session.
This session should take place after sessions about emotional health and support networks.
Students should be given prior notice about this lesson occurring so that they are able to opt out if they do not feel comfortable being there.
526.2 kb - PDF
185.5 kb - PPTX
452.6 kb - PDF
We have been learning about emotional health and how our feelings, thoughts and actions link together. We know that we can improve our own emotional health and build up our resilience to cope with difficult times. But sometimes pressures can be too great and lead to emotional health problems. Today’s topic is about understanding self-harm and how to support someone who is self-harming. This subject is likely to affect some people in the group in some way so it’s really important to be open and sensitive to other’s feelings. Remember that it’s ok to talk to someone about this if you need to. If you need to leave the room at any time everyone will understand and we won’t ask questions. If you do wish to leave please go to… (specify a place).
Make sure the key messages have been understood.
Look at a range of websites about self harm that offer advice and support for young people and for their friends and family. Ensure that the group look at helpful websites and that they understand there are many unhelpful sites they may come across which can be a trigger for someone vulnerable to self-harming. Remind them to talk to someone if they see anything that concerns or worries them. Having support and talking about problems and difficult feelings can help.
Closing: Throw a ball to students and each time they catch the ball, they have to call out something they would do when they are feeling low that helps them feel better. Repeat for all students.
What does this mean for me?
When talking about the subject of self-harm it is important to acknowledge that this could be a trigger for young people who are currently self-harming or have self-harmed in the past. Be aware of any students that may be affected and make sure support is outlined and highlighted.
This session links to: Coping with changes | Building resilience | Helping my friends | Let it out | Who are Samaritans? | My support network
It is also part of a suggested learning journey:
Learning journey: coping: Ups and downs of the day | My support network | Supporting a friend | Open questions (short) | Coping with changes | Who are Samaritans?
Make sure young people know what support is available and how to access this support.