Chris, a former Section Commander in the Parachute Regiment, recently left the Armed Forces in 2023 (through a medical discharge) following his own struggles.
He is a keen supporter and advocate for fellow Veterans and has just launched the UK’s first Armed Forces Business Centre, in Colchester.
"In 2012, my life took a pivotal turn when I joined the Parachute Regiment, followed by 11-and-a-half years of dedicated service. However, my promising military career ended abruptly in 2023 due to a medical discharge, marking a significant turning point in my life.
While serving as a Section Commander abroad, I faced an enemy I was ill-prepared for: my own mental fitness. It forced me to confront my own vulnerabilities, something I had been avoiding.
I found myself at a crossroads. As a Section Commander being stripped of all my weapon systems and being sent back to the UK was, in the moment, embarrassing. It was a very difficult time.
I went on this downward spiral of not really caring. I was heavily drinking most nights. A motorcycle accident served as a stark wake-up call. I realised the urgency of changing my life's trajectory.
Despite my injuries, including a mild Traumatic Brain Injury, I was determined to avoid medical discharge. I was placed in a new job role; it was very mentally focused - a lot of paperwork and a lot of late nights. One night close to burnout I was sitting there thinking ‘what am I doing?’ This was my second wakeup call – and made me realise I had to focus on myself.
I had to face the reality of my condition. I still had avoidance; I was in denial, but it was a start in the right direction.
I say mental fitness not mental health. I try every day to work on it. It is constant but that is why it is mental fitness – because you’ve got to work on it every day.
I went back to the doctor and asked, ‘What treatment was available?’. This kick-started my medical discharge. I worked very hard during this time to be at peace with it.
During this challenging time, I met my business partner, Brendan, and we embarked on an entrepreneurial journey creating a number of successful companies. Together with our third trustee, Robyn, we have just launched – The Armed Forces Business Centre which is designed to support veterans in various capacities.
The shift from military to civilian life is daunting, but I was fortunate to have the foundation for my next chapter. I have friends who have been medically discharged and had four months to sort their lives out. When you think about all the re-education, training, finding a new job, all the career transition classes, learning how to pay taxes and utilities - it’s a lot to undertake in four months.
My focus now is on helping others in similar situations. I am committed to maintaining my
mental fitness through meditation, mindfulness, I have a coach and a mentor but most
importantly I allow myself to talk about it. I have discovered my true calling which lies in
providing and making positive impactful change for the Veterans and Blue Light communities through the AFBC. Each day, I wake up with a renewed purpose, driven to help others and create a ripple effect of positive change.
To my fellow veterans and anyone facing similar challenges, my message is clear: You are not alone, and it's okay to seek help.
Call Samaritans’ Veterans Emotional Support Hub, free, 24/7, on 0808 175 3075.