Three steps to lighting up a landmark or corporate building green to support Samaritans' Longest Night this December 21st.
1. Sign up for Samaritans' Longest Night
Make sure to sign up for Samaritans' Longest Night at so that we can record and recognise your participation.
2. Light up green on December 21st
The sun will set at around 4:15 PM on December 21st. As the daylight fades, illuminate your buildings or outdoor areas in green. Every illuminated building is a reminder that Samaritans are there to support everyone in their darkest hours.

Cork City Hall lit up green for Samaritans' Longest Night
If your building has programmable LED exterior lighting
Set the lights to green with our code R132 G189 B0.
If your building has other exterior lighting
Use green lighting filters/lighting gels on your exterior lights. Consult with a lighting professional to ensure you're using the correct filters for your lights. Never use improper lighting covers as this can pose a fire risk. Please be advised, filters/gels are not suitable for covering halogen lamps.
If you don't have/can't modify your building's exterior lighting
Contact a local event lighting company or lighting technician to hire green uplighters for the night.
DIY option for small premises
If none of the above are suitable for your premises, get creative! You could use green LED strip lights around windows, held in place with Command hooks.

Downpatrick Leisure Centre lit green for Samaritans' Longest Night
3. Shine on social media!
Don't forget to take a photo or video and post it to your social media. Tag @SamaritansIRL and use the hashtag #SamaritansLongestNight
Your support says that you care about people who are struggling, whether they’re colleagues or customers, shareholders or staff, or anyone else who needs support during their darkest hours.
Be part of Samaritans' Longest Night on December 21st
Register today