We need your help to keep our Samaritans Shop up and running.
We urgently need more volunteers to support our shop for a few hours a week this includes someone to help with supervision at times. Volunteering for a charity can be scary. Can I really give up the time? How much will they expect of me? Will they rope me in to everything they do? I have a lot of commitments - can I really do it?
The honest answer is, I don't know. But what I can tell you is the kind of time you'd need to put in, what it will entail and what benefit you'll get from it.
What you'll do.
- Three four hour shifts every month - or more!
- Organising clothes, helping customers, chatting to the community, pricing items, tidying.
- By putting in these few hours, you'll help to fundraise for our branch and keep it open for those who need us.
- Help supervise other volunteers within the shop.
What you'll get.
- Work experience, something to add to your CV and a reference if you need it.
- Become part of the Wakefield Samaritans family. Our community is our proudest achievement and we hope that joining us will be a safe, supportive space for you.
- The feeling of helping others and giving something back.
- Meeting new friends.
- Learning new skills.

- Samaritans Shop
If being a shop volunteer is the only part of Samaritans you want to get involved in, that's ok! We desperately need shop support and won't try to recruit you elsewhere or pressure you into more than you can do. If you want to find out more and volunteer your time, contact us.