Stratford upon Avon Samaritans are proud, once again, to show our support for Warwickshire PRIDE! and those members of the LGBTQ+ community in our area.
Our branch supported the Warwickshire Pride Day, on Saturday 17th August 2024 at the Pump Room Gardens in Leamington.

We had a gazebo for the event and walked in the Parade for a second year in a row.

Samaritans offers confidential, non-judgmental emotional support to anyone in distress.

During Pride, we have a special awareness of many of the lived experiences that callers from the LGBTQ+ communities cope with. While for many, Pride is often a time of visibility and celebration, for others, Pride events can heighten feelings of anxiety, of feeling excluded and often of loneliness. If you are experiencing any of these things, then we are here for you - whoever you are.
Whatever you’re facing, we’re here to listen 24/7 without judgement. FREEPHONE 116 123