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Samaritans of Salisbury and District

Contact us

116 123 free from any phone

Units 10-11, Barnack Business Centre
Blakey Road
Salisbury SP1 2LP

Where we work


How we can help

Community outreach
Military outreach
Prisons outreach
Listening service
  • Accessible toilets
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • The branch is located on the ground floor and has an entrance ramp and double door access. Parking is available adjacent to the Centre.

The Salisbury and District Branch of the Samaritans is at Units 10-11, Barnack Business Centre, Blakey Road, Salisbury SP1 2LP.

Salisbury and District Samaritans

Every year, 140 local listening volunteers receive over 20,000 calls and emails from people in crisis and in need of immediate emotional support. Our support volunteers help us to raise money, raise awareness of our services, organise events, keep our computers working or contribute to the many administrative roles that keep our branch running smoothly.

We support our local prison through the Samaritans Listeners scheme, training and supporting Prison Listeners.

We support our local community through an active outreach programme. Through outreach we support people who are in distress in our community. We also work to promote awareness of listening skills and explain how active listening can help people who are struggling. We work to improve understanding of emotional health and how it impacts on young people's wellbeing. We support our military on Salisbury Plain by attending welfare events and giving presentations to serving members of the armed forces. Our speakers make presentations to local organisations and clubs, both for general awareness of Samaritans and to help people who provide emotional support in their roles.

  • Donate - If you would like to donate to us, raise funds for us, or remember us in your Will or with an In Memory donation, we would love to hear from you. Particularly important are the regular monthly donations from our “Friends of Salisbury Samaritans”. These monthly donations are the gifts that keep on giving. You can donate monthly amounts between £10 and £25 while companies and other local donors make often larger and much appreciated monthly donations. Such regular donations, whether small or large, are all gratefully received and enable us to keep supporting people. If you would like to become a “Friend of Salisbury Samaritans”, please choose the Monthly Payment option. Thank you for your support.
  • Volunteering - We currently have a significant waiting list for Listening volunteer roles. We are actively recruiting Support Volunteers and Trustees. These roles are vital to the running of the branch and help in non listening roles such as admin, fundraising, publicity, marketing, governance, managing our website, organising events etc. If you are interested in joining Salisbury Samaritans as a support volunteer or trustee, please email [email protected].
  • To keep up to date with what we're doing, please follow us on Twitter @SalisburySams

To request information about our branch, please email [email protected] or phone us on 01722 330672.

Please note: we are not able to offer face to face support. If you would like to speak to a Samaritan, please call (free from any phone) 116123 or email [email protected] and there will be a volunteer to speak with you.

Our privacy statement

At Samaritans, privacy is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information that we hold. Read our privacy statement here.

Samaritans of Salisbury and District is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales (1168019)