Why not come and find out what being a Samaritan is all about?
We hold regular information sessions for people interested in volunteering and these are the dates we are running them. They are all online events.
- Thursday 26th January 2023 at 1900
- Sunday 26th February 2023 at 1000
- Thursday 30th March 2023 at 1900
- Sunday 30th April 2023 at 1000
- Thursday 23rd May 2023 at 1900
- Sunday 25th June 2023 at 1000
- Thursday 27th July 2023 at 1900
- Sunday 24th September 2023 at 1000
- Thursday 26th October 2023 at 1900
- Sunday 26th November 2023 at 1000
Each information session gives you an idea of what exactly Samaritans do, how we are trained, the type of calls you will have to deal with and how to help people in distress who need someone to talk to at difficult times in their life.
If you'd like to hear more call us on 01733 807327 (answerphone), email: [email protected].
Follow us on Twitter -@pborosams to see what we are up to.