Colne Bookstall, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
Pendle Samaritans run a bookstall. No story there.
Delve deeper, however, and you’ll find a unique business which affords community engagement, a wealth of books, as well as a being a fantastic branch fund raiser.

You'd be an Alexandre Dumas to not drop in on Jilly (right) and her band of Musketeers at Colne Market.
Based in the Lancashire town of Colne, the bookstall, since its start in 2007, has increased takings tenfold, and established itself as the major income generator for the branch. The secret of its success, lies in the vast cornucopia of books across all genres. From popular paper backs, through to antiquarian books, as well as quirky unusual items, the bookstall even offers a ‘free book’ section.

“Books mean all possibilities. They mean moving out of yourself, losing yourself, dying of thirst and living to your full. They mean everything.” ― Ali Smith
Quoth Jilly Sandermas, manager of the bookstall for the past ten years:
Importantly, a key aspect of the bookstall is the sense of community engagement. Many of our regulars pop in daily for a 5 minute chat. Understandably, we are sometimes approached by people who are seeking our help as Samaritans. Given the public forum of the bookstall, we signpost them to either our 116 123 number, or our branch, which operates out of Nelson.
Staffed by a cohort of ten volunteers, the bookstall receives donations direct from the public, but also offers to go out and collect books, if it’s problematic for donors to drop books off themselves.

The long lost Library of Alexandria, reincarnate? Probably not. Not too shabby though.
Quoth Victoria Howarth, branch director:
Jilly and her team do a fantastic job, and their success is reflected not only in financial terms, but equally in the growing reputation the bookstall has established across the region. As a former librarian myself, I am staggered by the number of individuals I chat to from across North East Lancashire, who sing the praises of our Samaritans’ Bookstall.