Pendle Samaritans thanks our volunteers this Volunteers' Week (1st - 7th June) for making Pendle branch a reality for 50 years
This week is Volunteers' Week, and your local Samaritans' branch would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all our volunteers, past and present.

To those listening volunteers who spend hours each week on the phones supporting the people in our communities who need it most, we are so grateful.
To those support volunteers who help the book stall thrive and manage every aspect of the branch, we are so grateful.
To everyone who volunteers in any capacity to raise awareness and much needed support, we are so grateful.

Samaritans rely on the kindness and commitment of ordinary people who give their time freely and generously.
Thank you for all that you do and have been doing in Pendle branch since 1972, as we celebrate 50 years of listening this year.
We look forward to another 50 successful and supportive years.

We're always happy to welcome new members to the team. If you'd like to enquire about becoming a Samaritans volunteer,
you can apply by clicking here or emailing us at [email protected]