Samaritans engaging locally in Northallerton and Dales
Our Military Outreach team has been active in these last 3 months. Our focus on Military Outreach is an important initiative that enables us to reach out to one of the vulnerable groups in our area. Thank you to Pauline a Branch Volunteer, who was recently invited to talk about our work to Chris Kayes at BFBS radio, we have a radio star in the making. Pauline has been linking up with the Garrison, visiting various people distributing posters, pamphlets and cards and supporting the Garrison teams with information for their websites to advertise our need for night owls and to promote the service for veterans and serving army personnel. The Military Outreach team has also started other activities in the Garrison and at RAF Leeming and has been very well received.
Our Rural location means The Rural Initiative is very important to our branch and the local community. This initiative was launched in 2019 in partnership with the Yorkshire Agricultural Society and the Yorkshire and Humberside Region of Samaritans. Its aim is to reduce the incidence of suicide and alleviate mental ill-health amongst the rural community. Our Branch Volunteer Callum will be directly involved with the Initiative and we look forward to hearing all about this critical work and future updates.