Over the holiday period, Samaritans of Newry & Dundalk understand that not everyone can always be full of festive cheer. If you are having a difficult time, we are here to listen.

Samaritans are here because we care, because we know that for many people this is a time of year when emotions are heightened, and loneliness becomes more acute. Some people may find themselves in the middle of family celebrations but feel isolated, distant, unseen, uncared for and misunderstood.
In many homes in our community this year, there will be someone missing. Someone who should have been there but decided that the pain they were going through was too much to bear and ended their life by suicide. For these families and friends still reeling from the shock and disbelief of what has happened, no amount of Christmas cheer will ease their raw, physical, heart-wrenching, pain. The list of questions, “why?”, “what if….?”, “if only….?”, will go unanswered. Their lives have been changed forever and their bodies ache to speak with the person they’ve lost for just a few more minutes, to hold their hand, to hug them and tell them they love them. They might feel angry with the person for choosing suicide. They may feel guilty for things said or unsaid.
Here at Samaritans of Newry & Dundalk, we are here to listen without judgement or criticism. Your call is confidential. You don’t have to give us your name and we don’t see your phone number.
Eileen Campbell, Director/Chair of Samaritans of Newry & Dundalk said: "Recently someone called to our branch at 19 St Coleman’s Park, Newry, and handed in an anonymous donation of £300. I want to personally thank you on behalf of all the volunteers, for your very generous donation."
If you are feeling that life is not worth living and you have no one to talk to, call us. Our number is 116 123, it’s a free call and available 24/7.
If you are worried about someone and unsure of what you can do to help, you can call us too, or visit our website, www.samaritans.org. You will find useful information on how to help someone in distress and tips on how to have that difficult conversation with them about their feelings.
1 in 3 calls taken over the Christmas period are from people who are lonely. You don’t have to be suicidal to call us.
If you need to speak to someone during this time, find the courage, pick up the phone, dial 116 123 and maybe, just maybe, we can help you to clarify your thoughts and bring some light into the darkness that you feel.
Eileen Campbell, Director/Chair of Samaritans of Newry & Dundalk said: "Recently someone called to our branch at 19 St Coleman’s Park, Newry, and handed in an anonymous donation of £300. I want to personally thank you on behalf of all the volunteers, for your very generous donation. It’s the kindness and generosity of people like you, that help us to provide the vital service that we offer. So to you and everyone who has supported us this year and the past 46 years, thank you. We truly appreciate everything we receive."
To all 120 volunteers that give so generously of their time each week of the year, thank you. Without you we could not do what we do."
To everyone, we wish you a peaceful Christmas and a New Year filled with kindness.