Four members of our branch will soon walk from Lukla to Everest Base Camp to raise money for Newport and Gwent Samaritans
About the walk to Base Camp
Please Note: Paraphrased from a message to Newport Samaritans from Sharon
In a few weeks, Berni, Chris, Kayley and I set off on our epic walk. It’s time to try & generate some funds for the branch. We have all paid for ourselves, so this is not paying for our trip, but goes directly into branch funds. We try not to over-bang the fundraising drum as we know you are here to take emotional calls. But we have to pay for heating, rates, insurance etc, which comes to around £15-20,000 per year. It’s just not possible to get grants for “business as usual” so although our amazing fundraisers have negotiated us financially through the renovations, we do need to keep the lights (and heating!) on. So please do think about a small donation and forward the fundraising page on to ANYONE who might give a few pounds. My next post will be our Enthuse fundraising page. As I said, this goes straight into funds.