Contact us
116 123 free from any phone
Lowestoft Suffolk UK NR33 0TQ
Where we work
How we can help
Accessibility information
- Unfortunately we are unable to receive callers in person at our Branch at the moment but we are hear to listen, so please call if you need to talk to someone.
We Have Moved

Having been at our Beach Road premises since 1970 we have recently relocated to our new home at Riverside Business Park. Our new modern offices have easy access particularly for people with mobility difficulties. This will allow more people to volunteer with us, if you are interested please see the link below.
We are a small branch of less than 40 volunteers who are dedicated to offering support to our callers and people in the wider community.
Please contact us on our freephone number 116123
or email. [email protected].
Our privacy statement
At Samaritans, privacy is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information that we hold. Read our privacy statement here.
Charity Shop
Our shop at 99 High Street, Lowestoft. NR32 1XW is run by committed volunteers who raise funds to ensure our branch remains open so we may continue to offer support.
Follow us on Twitter
Lowestoft and Waveney Samaritans are now on Twitter. Follow us @LowestoftSams to keep up-to-date with what we're doing.
Like to volunteer with us?
There are many ways to volunteer. Becoming a Listener, administration support in the branch, fundraising or volunteering at the shop. Please click on the link below .... we'd love to hear from you.
Branch news
View all branch newsOur numbers increase.
Lowestoft Samaritans Charity Shop
Text To Donate to Samaritans of Lowestoft and Waveney District