Lincoln Samaritans support their local community
As well as taking calls from people in emotional distress, Lincoln Samaritans outreach to the local community. We do this in a number of ways to promote emotional wellbeing and good mental health. We support prisoners at HMP Lincoln, hold community talks about what we do and how to listen to someone going through a difficult time, outreach into schools, colleges and Lincoln's Universities to support students and we work with businesses to promote good mental health in the workplace.
Prison Listening Service
Lincoln Samaritans volunteers work with prison staff to select prisoners at HMP Lincoln who have shown an interest in becoming a listener. Listeners are trained in a similar way to Samaritan volunteers to provide confidential emotional support to their fellow inmates who are struggling to cope. This is so important because prisoners have a five times greater risk of suicide and may not be able to access the Samaritans helpline 24hrs a day.
It's a privilege to support prisoners to listen to their fellow inmates. It helps save lives.
Makda - Samaritans volunteer
Community Talks
Did you know that Lincoln Samaritans hold talks in the local community? The talks are designed to increase awareness of what we do and how to become a good listener. The talks are free but we ask for a donation to cover our expenses. If you would like a talk in your area, maybe at your local church or village hall, just contact us and we will get in touch.
It was an interesting talk, I learnt a lot and now know how to listen properly. I am amazed what a difference it makes!
Mary - attended talk at her local church
Yes, we would like a talk
Simply get in touch and we will contact you
Community Outreach

Neil - one of our volunteers at Lincoln Pride
We regularly attend events in the local community, sometimes to raise funds but, more importantly to raise awareness of how to promote emotional wellbeing and good mental health. For example, we attend Lincoln Pride each September. We outreach to schools, colleges and Lincoln's Universities as well as local businesses and taylor our work to meet the needs of the group we are working with. Our emphasis is on prevention, information giving and skills building. If you would like to know more about how Lincoln Samaritans can support your place of study or work, just contact us.