Prisoners are up to 10 times more likely to die by suicide. Rate of self-harm was 4.4 times higher among female prisoners than male prisoners.
Beginning in 2016, Samaritans of Limerick & Tipperary, in partnership with the Irish Prison Service (IPS) set up Listener schemes in both the female and male sections of Limerick Prison. The Listener scheme is a peer support scheme which aims to reduce self-harm and suicide. Prisoners are selected, trained and supported by Samaritans volunteers to become Listeners. Listeners provide confidential, emotional support to their fellow prisoners who are struggling to cope.
The scheme has proven to be of great benefit to the prisoners, their families, staff and management at the prison.
“The Listener Scheme has proven itself to be an effective and necessary infrastructure in a prison setting. It is an example of prisoners taking responsibility for their own healthcare and the needs of those who may be vulnerable in their community. Prison Governors have observed the positive impact which it has on both the prisoner in emotional distress and the Listener and I would like to see a listener programme running in all prisons.”
Director General of the IPS, Michael Donnellan