Here are a few of the things Lancaster and District Samaritans has achieved this year
- Actioned the decision to sell the centre and find new premises, and launched our Moving On fundraising campaign
- Raised £4263.11 during Samarathon by walking a total of 1382 miles, the distance to Cologne and back
- Recruited, trained and mentored two groups of new volunteers
- Retained volunteers who are developing and moving through their Samaritan journey
- Recruited, trained, and supported three groups of Listeners in HMP Lancaster Farms
- Covered ¾ of our duties each week on average through the year, to support callers in a safe, effective, and consistent way
- Opened our charity shop for 49 weeks in the year and increased the funds it has raised for the branch
- Delivered talks and workshops on a regular basis to schools, colleges and universities about how to support each other and our work
- Given out Samaritan mugs and publicity, and attended events such as Lancaster and Morecambe Pride, worked with our Network Rail partners to offer a presence at train stations, including for the Small Talk Saves Lives campaign, and worked with other partners to support those who need us
- Held regular branch events to bring our volunteers together - such as ongoing training sessions, coffee mornings, quiz night, our Sunday online quiz, branch day, socials and of course attending the North West Conference and winning the fancy dress competition!