Our dedicated Outreach Team are involved in a number of partnerships and initiatives aimed at informing the wider community about our work, and identifying and supporting vulnerable members of society
Kingston Samaritans are committed to working to make sure that everyone in our local community is aware of what we do and how we may be able to offer support when it is needed.
Through the Listener Scheme, we support prisoners at Wandsworth Prison, the largest prison in the UK. The Listener Scheme is a peer support scheme whereby we select, train and support prisoners to offer confidential emotional support to their fellow inmates. The prisoners are trained to listen in complete confidence to their fellow inmates who may be experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. The objectives of the scheme are to assist in reducing the number of self-inflicted deaths, reducing self-harm and helping to alleviate the feelings of those in distress.
Network Rail
In 2010, Samaritans an Network Rail launched a five-year partnership aimed at reducing the number of suicides on the railways by 20%. Kingston Samaritans works closely with local stations helping to train rail staff and to provide emotional support to people in distress at railway sites as well as to rail staff and members of the public who have witnessed a fataility.
Schools & Colleges
Young people are the one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of suicide and self harm. Kingston Samaritans vists local schools and colleges to give talks to help young people recognise and deal with their feelings and issues relating to suicide. Teachers wanting to know more about what we do can look up the "DEAL" pack and other information about our support for schools on the national website.
Contact our Outreach Team
Email: [email protected]