Our shop on Carr Street in Ipswich is a great place to shop. It's also an important source of funding and you can work there as a volunteer. Read more about our shop including how you can help
You can find our charity shop at 20 Carr Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 1EJ.
The shop is run by a manager supported by a willing team of 'shopmate' Support Volunteers.
We sell a variety of items, including:
- clothing
- bric-a-brac
- second hand books (we have a huge selection in our dedicated basement)
Donations are always welcome, and can be taken into the shop - or we can collect from you if there is too much for you to bring in although we would welcome a small donation towards fuel costs if possible.
Our shop is a great place to work as a Support Volunteer. You meet new people, gain new skills, and it is very rewarding to know that all profits raised go towards funding the vital work of your local Samaritans branch.
"I volunteer at our charity shop in Carr Street. I love meeting people and enjoy sorting and selling books in our amazing book department."
You can call 01473 287727 to speak to the shop, and get more information.
Money raised from the Samaritans Charity Shop together eBay sales contribute to us continuing our listening service.