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Samaritans of Ipswich and East Suffolk

Contact us

116 123 free from any phone

140 St Helen's Street
Ipswich IP4 2LE

Where we work

Ipswich, Woodbridge, Felixstowe, Hadleigh

How we can help


Welcome to the Samaritans of Ipswich and East Suffolk

IPSWICH Outside Branch 2019.jpg


We've been proudly supporting the local community for around 60 years.

We have over 100 volunteers at our branch on St Helen's Street in Ipswich Most of whome are listening volunteers providing emotional support to those in need.

It doesn't stop at the branch. We also support people at local soup kitchens and prisons and we have a presence at major events like the Suffolk Show, Suffolk Pride, Ipswich Music Day and Felixstowe Carnival, and more .

In a typical year our Listening Volunteers are ready to :

  • Answer 20,000 calls
  • Spend 4,000 hours on the phone

Our Support Volunteers do vital work that contributes to running our branch, including fundraising, administration, raising awareness and working at our shop on Carr Street, Ipswich.

Find out more about the Ipswich Branch, including:

  • The history of our St Helen's Street branch
  • Fundraising and donating
  • Our outreach and awareness activities outside the branch
  • Our Carr Street shop
  • How to get in touch

See our latest Branch News for:

  • What is happening at the Branch and Shop
  • Upcoming events and talks
  • Information Evenings
  • Our relationship with Ipswich Town Football Club

Our privacy statement

At Samaritans, privacy is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information that we hold. Read our privacy statement here.

Ipswich and East Suffolk Samaritans is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales (1168725).