Great Yarmouth Samaritans look at ten simple things you can do to improve your wellbeing.
We all want quick and easy ideas to improve our health and wellbeing. Great Yarmouth Samaritans pick ten 'simple things' that can easily fit into our daily routine.
Seventh in our series of 'simple things' you can try: Get Some Sun
We have been warned that excessive exposure to sun puts us at risk of skin cancers and premature skin ageing, which is true. Although, recent research suggests that a short blast of sunshine each day during spring and summer could be very good for us: lifting mood, lowering blood pressure and improving our immune system. If you are careful not to burn, the benefits outweigh the risks.

One of the well-known benefits of getting more sun is that it will boost your levels of vitamin D, The skin is able to take sunlight and transform it into this incredible nutrient.
As well as being vital for strong bones, vitamin D contributes to a well-functioning immune system.
During the spring and summer, little and often is the best approach, if you have fair skin 10-15 minutes of sunlight is enough for unprotected skin. People with darker skin should aim for 20-45 minutes because dark skin has more melanin; this is a natural sunscreen, but it also hinders the skin's ability to absorb vitamin D.
Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, which is a natural mood-booster. It can also help lower our blood pressure.
20 minutes of sun on an arm is enough to boost production of nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to expand and bring our blood pressure down
Edinburgh University
So get out there and enjoy the sun! Used wisely, it is a life-enhancing thing!