As we launch our annual Brew Monday campaign, Gloucester & District Samaritans encourage you to have a cuppa and a catch up with those whom you care about.
The third Monday in January is sometimes referred to as ‘the most difficult day of the year’. However, Samaritans is highlighting that there’s no such thing as ‘Blue Monday’ - people can feel a range of emotions any day of the year. Although winter is thought to be one of the harder seasons with dark days and frosty nights, Samaritans volunteers hear similar concerns all year round from those who contact us. The main concerns include mental health and illness (46%), family (34%) and loneliness (28%).
In a bid to power through the cold winter months, our volunteers will be holding pop up 'Brew Monday' sessions at Gloucester station on Monday morning 17 January (10.30 – 12.30) and at Stroud Station on the morning of 24 January (same times) to have a chat and provide information about our work, as well as to encourage people to share a cuppa and a catch up with someone whom they care about.
We are also really grateful to GL11 Community Hub in Cam, for allowing our volunteers to hold a pop up 'Brew Monday' session in their café area on Monday 31 January, 10.30 – 12.30.
The University of Gloucestershire plan to hold their own Brew Monday session on campus in February.
So, let’s ensure nobody struggles alone, on Brew Monday or any other day, by remembering to check in on friends, family or colleagues. It doesn’t need to be a Monday or a cup of tea, it’s about connecting and really listening to each other.