Contact us
116 123 free from any phone
0330 094 5717 local call charges apply
10 Richmond Road
Devon EX4 4JA
Where we work
Exeter, Mid and east devon
How we can help
Accessibility information
- Accessible toilets
- Wheelchair accessible
An introduction to Exeter Mid and East Devon Samaritans - welcome to our website

In 2023/24 we responded to 30,480 telephone calls and 706 webchat contacts.
In 2023 we registered with easyfundraising allowing our supporters to contribute to our branch funds when shopping at any of 7,000 brands. Please sign up to support us here.
Also in 2023 we've joined Exeter Community Lottery - an easy and fun way for you to show your support for us. Please check in here and nominate Exeter, Mid & East Devon Samaritans.
We have over 120 volunteers in our branch; in addition to responding to callers, we would normally conduct outreach work across our area, such as offering wellbeing talks to school students and holding fundraising collections at supermarkets. We also work with 'Listeners' in Exeter Prison - these people offer emotional support to other prisoners.
Interesting in joining our friendly branch in central Exeter as a volunteer and making a difference? We’re there to talk to people in any sort of distress or despair who need a listening ear, someone who will listen without judgement. We need volunteers to carry out this worthwhile and rewarding service, particularly at night.
The first step is to attend one of our Information Events on Zoom, where we’ll tell you lots more about becoming a Samaritan and about our branch in particular. The next two dates are:
Tuesday 11th February 2025
Tuesday 15th July 2025
Zooms start at 1900 and last for about an hour.
Please fill in an application form if you’re interested and we'll get back in touch with you to arrange attendance at the Information Evening.
Become a Samaritans listening volunteer | Volunteer for Samaritans
The next step will be a relaxed and informal interview. If successful at interview, you’ll take part in our excellent training programme which will equip you with lifelong skills and give you the confidence you need to really help someone.
Occasionally we make the news - in a good way. Please read these to get a flavour about why:
- Exeter Samaritan Jenny says the Hardest Calls are the Silent Ones
- There's Always Time For A Cuppa with Exeter Mid and East Devon Samaritans
- Samaritans Hand Out Tea Bags at Stations to Encourage Check-Ins
- Making Waves - an underwater photographer works with Samaritans
- Devon Samaritan Izzy says Losing Her Mum Helps Her Relate to Callers
Exeter Samaritans held its first meeting to recruit volunteers in November 1963 - we were one of the first out-of-London branches, set up 10 years after the national charity was founded by the Reverend Chad Varah.
Exeter Samaritans’ telephone number ‘went live’ in 1964 and by 1970 there were 1,800 annual ‘contacts’ from people by telephone or face-to-face. This rose to 6,865 by 1975.
The local branch increased in geographical size to cover parts of Devon as well as Exeter, larger premises were used and at different times we had a city centre charity shop - and our own caravan!
In 1992 a Listeners team was created in Exeter Prison; prisoners were trained by Samaritans to support their peers and this remains a vital part of our work today.
In 1999 we moved to our current central Exeter premises.
Late in 2020 we opened a shop in Sidmouth, inside our 'patch'.
Our privacy statement
At Samaritans, privacy is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information that we hold. Read our privacy statement here.