Finding a way to say it Sometimes the hardest words to say are the most important.

This World Suicide Prevention Day, Tuesday 10th September 2024, we want to show everyone that talking about difficult feelings, including suicidal thoughts, doesn’t have to be scary.
A recent poll showed that only 45% of people feel comfortable talking to family and friends about suicidal thoughts, compared to 74% who feel comfortable talking about mental health. We want to change this. By talking more openly about suicide, we can give people the chance to express how they feel and get the support they need. It could even save a life. On #WSPD we’re sharing some top tips for how you can help make a change:
What Should People Do:
- Watch out for changes in behaviour that could mean someone’s struggling to cope.
- Speak up to let someone know that there is support available.
- Play your part by reaching out to anyone you’re concerned about.
- Ditch the stigma – suicidal thoughts are far more common than most people know – so let’s talk about it!
How to help someone open up We know how hard it can be to find the right words to talk openly about how we’re feeling. But when someone is dealing with difficult thoughts or worries, having someone there to listen can make all the difference.
Here are some tips to help you talk to someone you’re worried about:
- Choose a safe, quiet space, give the other person your full attention and put away your phone.
- Ask how they’re doing, using open questions that need more than a yes or no answer, such as “How do you feel?” or “What’s that like for you?”
- Listen without judgement and try not to jump straight in with your advice or opinions.
- Don’t be afraid to ask someone if they’re having suicidal thoughts. It gives them permission to tell you how they feel.
- Let them know that there is always someone there to listen. They can call Samaritans free day or night on 116 123 or visit for other ways to contact us.
- Remember to look after yourself, Samaritans is here to support you too. A registered charity