An award celebrating 60 years volunteering by Dunfermline Samaritans at the Fife Provosts Recognition Event
Linda, Marje and Frances represented our Branch at a reception hosted by The Provost Of Fife, Rt Hon Mr. Jim Leishman MBE, to celebrate Samaritans of Dunfermline reaching the milestone of 60 years in providing emotional support for those who are in need.
Dunfermline Samaritans are proud to have been serving the people of Fife for 60 years. We would also like to thank our supporters who have helped enormously in helping us to keep the branch running, so that we can continue to provide a safe, confidential space for people to talk about how they are feeling, without judgement.

Marje, Linda and Frances at the Provost of Fife Reception

Marje, Linda and Frances with The Provost of Fife Rt Hon Jim Leishman MBE