Watt brilliant fundraising
On 24th July Nuffield Health and Fitness clocked up lots of virtual miles and funds for Chester Samaritans during an all day Watt bike ride for 24/7, when Samaritans promote Talk to Us to raise awareness that we’re here – for anyone who needs someone to listen, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without judgement or pressure.
And they fundraised again! This time they invited their clientele and their friends to -
Dance Till You Drop…… …….then eat cake!
on Monday 16th September by going to –
FitSteps with Vivienne or Dance Circuits with Kate, followed by FREE CAKE with a lovely donation to Chester Samaritans.
Thank you for all you've done Chester Nuffield Health and Fitness - and thanks especially, to everyone booking in to these events.
Follow the Nuffield Health Chester Fitness & Wellbeing Gym Facebook and Instagram accounts for more info.