Farewell to Joan 400, hello Joan 677!
We recently gathered to bid a heartfelt farewell to Joan 377 and Joan 400, two dedicated volunteers and cherished members of our Samaritans family, who have reluctantly retired as Listening Volunteers after years of incredible service.
The Leaving Do was a beautiful celebration of both ladies' unwavering commitment to helping others. Fellow volunteers shared stories of their compassion, wisdom, and tireless support for those in need. Laughter mixed with tears as we reflected on the countless lives they’ve touched and the impact they’ve made, both in the organisation and the community.
All who attended felt that it was a really enjoyable event, and a lovely opportunity to thank valued, long-standing Samaritans for all that they had achieved during their time in the branch.
Their parting words were a reminder of the power of kindness and the importance of listening—a legacy that will continue to inspire us long after their leaving as Listening Volunteers, forced on them by outside circumstances.
We’ll miss Joan 400 dearly but know her influence will remain a guiding light in our work. Thank you for everything Joan, wishing you all the best in this next chapter!
Meanwhile, we’re so lucky that Joan 377 has ‘converted’ to Joan 677, a new Support Volunteer, aiming to be our chief organiser of future social events for our branch.
This is also our opportunity to say thank you to all our volunteers at Chester Branch, Listening, as well as Support Volunteers, for their unwavering dedication and compassion. Their ability to listen, support, and be there for others during their most challenging moments is truly inspiring.
Chester Samaritan volunteers make a difference every single day, offering hope and understanding to those who need it most.