We Love YOUR Help!
You have been fantastic to Chester Branch and Samaritans throughout the years.
You have walked, ran, sowed, baked, and sang! All in the name of fundraising for Samaritans...and all in the name of FUN!
But with the pandemic you and we have struggled to get out and about to let people know of the good things that our Volunteers do...and of the many ways that you can help our Branch stay open for those who desperately need to talk.
The face of fundraising has changed a little, with face to face and cash donations being difficult to collect at the moment.
But there are still ways that we can keep the fundraising spirit alive and ways that you can keep active and have FUN.
And we don’t want the fun to stop!
This is where we need YOU
Reach out to us and tell us if all the ways you are using to Fundraise for Chester Branch.
We want to hear of all your ideas for Virtual Fundraising!
- Are you hosting virtual family quizzes?
- Is it a friends and family Zoom Bingo night?
- Is there a team monthly TOTAL STEPS challenge going be on?
- Are the budding vocalists hosting Virtual Karaoke nights?
Let us at Chester Branch know what you are doing to challenge yourself and bring people together all in the name of FUNdraising.
We appreciate everything that you do.