Please Become a Friend of Brighton, Hove and District Samaritans
We give our undivided attention to any caller who is feeling distress or despair. We’re there to listen 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even in acute distress, our callers feel heard, in control of their own choices and less alone.
We bring Samaritans to local people and organisations, above all to individuals and groups who are at higher risk of suicide and those who work with vulnerable people.
You can help us be a light in the darkness by becoming a Friend of Brighton, Hove and District Samaritans.
Costs of providing our services:
£400 - Trains one new Samaritan volunteer and we train 50 new volunteers each year
£50 - Supports 10 distressed callers and we answer over 2000 calls a month
In return for your kind gift, you will find out how it is helping our volunteers support the local community.
If you would prefer not to become a Friend at this time but would like to make a one-off donation we would be very grateful. You can do that right here
Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, Brighton, Hove & District Samaritans can continue to be there for those in our community who need a lifeline.