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2 Green Street
CF31 1HF
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Bridgend Samaritans

Set up in 1972, Bridgend Samaritans have been supporting our local community for over 45 years. There are 88 volunteers who provide a telephone, email and face to face listening service every day of the week, including weekends and overnights. In 2019 we spent over 4,500 hours on the phone answering over 24,000 calls and replied to 1,000 email messages.
Could you help by answering calls to people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide? If you don’t want to answer the phone or meet people face to face - maybe you can reply to emails from our callers who need emotional support? You could also volunteer to go out with our van to offer emotional support to our local community.
How to Volunteer
To be a Samaritan you need to be over 18yrs of age, but you don't need any previous experience or qualifications. You need to be open-minded and non-judgemental. By volunteering with Samaritans, you will be able to make a difference to others experiencing despair or suicidal thoughts.
If you're interested in volunteering with us, please contact the Recruitment Team by clicking here or find more information and complete the form at our volunteering page.
Click here to find what it's like Being a new Samaritan
We have many administrative jobs that need to be done as well:
- Perhaps you could provide admin support?
- Could you give talk to schools and groups about their emotional wellbeing?
- Fundraise for us and publicise who we are and what we do?
- Be on our committee and help to run our branch?
- Train others to be listeners or support volunteers?
Please contact us if you want to know more about working with Bridgend Samaritans
Gwirfoddoli ar gyfer ein Gwasanaeth Cymraeg
Gallwch wneud gwahaniaeth syfrdanol gyda’r Samariaid trwy helpu i gynorthwyo pobl sy’n defnyddio ein llinell Gymraeg.
Ein Llinell Gymraeg
Os hoffech gael cymorth emosiynol yn Gymraeg, mae gennym Linell Gymraeg y gellir ei ffonio am ddim 0808 164 0123
Ein horiau agor bob nos yw rhwng 7pm ac 11pm
History of the branch
The branch was founded in 1972 out of the concern from some local ministers in Maesteg, over the deprivation and the resultant family problems in the valleys, so on 30th June, we had the official opening of the Maesteg branch by the director of Swansea Samaritans, officials of Maesteg Council and the regional representative. By 1975 it was clear that Maesteg branch wouldn't be able to open 24 hours a day, which was one of the aims in the future for the branch. It was felt that the branch would have to move to a more central location in Bridgend to be able to justify a 24 hour branch and so in 1975 Maesteg Samaritans moved to Wyndam Street and becam the Bridgend Branch of the Samaritans. In 1978 we moved to a house on Coity Road, where we stayed for 10 years and finally in 1988 we moved to our current premises in Green Street, where we have continued our 24 hour service ever since.