Our Annual Branch Meeting was held on August 3rd at 10am at the Len Medlock Centre, as outlined in Jill's letter to you of June 28th.
This meeting is a perfect opportunity for everyone to catch up with each other, especially those newer ones for whom this was their first Annual Branch Meeting.
All 27 Boston Branch Samaritans volunteers were invited and this meeting was attended by the majority of the branch.
Elizabeth, the Boston Branch Director welcomed everyone and gave an outline of the agenda.
- The Leadership Team's annual report
- The Receipts and Payments Report for the financial year 01.04.18 - 31.03.2019
- Election of the Branch Secretary and Treasurer for the next 12 months
- Health & Safety
- Fundraising
- A 'walk through' our exciting new branch website and a look at our activity on social media
Each Deputy Director in the Leadership Team gave an update on their achievements and updates of the past year as well as the plans for the year ahead.
Karen, our branch treasurer shared our financial situation and the goals for the year ahead.
The outcome for the Branch Secretary and Treasurer was a re-election of both Karen and Jill.
Prior to the Health & Safety section of the meeting, our annual mandatory Fire Drill was carried out, which went without any issues.
Elizabeth shared our Fundraising details and the challenge we have in raising £25k each year.
Back in March, new Samaritans websites were released for all Branches to keep updated with their information and news. Mark shared with the branches the new website and how they can access the information it holds. Mark then shared the branches the Twitter page.
The meeting was closed by Elizabeth who thanked everybody for the time they give to the branch and for attending this meeting.
Thank you for all you do, please enjoy the biscuits.
Elizabeth, Branch Director