The Samaritans of Bognor Regis, Chichester and District came together to celebrate Christmas with some drinks and mince pies. Susan, our DD for Volunteer Engagement, said: “We were happy our colleagues could come together at the special time of year. It was great to see so many volunteers drop in.”

Paul and Susan in front of our community tree
The branch welcomed the Deputy Mayor of Bognor Regis, Councillor Mrs Gill Yeates, who kindly came along to draw our charity raffle, which raised £225 for the branch.

Deputy Mayor of Bognor Regis, Gill Yeates, draws the raffle
We also had the chance to meet our long-standing supporter of the branch Nigel Faulkner of Buzby and Blue in Chichester – it was great to say thanks in person for his continuous fundraising efforts. Nigel kindly agreed to officially switch on the lights of our community tree, visible to all our supporters and neighbours in Bognor Regis.
Branch Director Paul said: “It was a lovely way to come together ahead of Christmas – to say thanks to our volunteers, friends and supporters.”
If you would like to make a donation over the festive period, you can do so here.