Our Pay For A Day Campaign
In 2016, in order to improve the quality and consistency of the Samaritan service, all 201 branches across the nation, were asked to decide how to belong to the Charity, the choices were either to become part of the Samaritan Central Charity or to become an Affiliated branch.
All our listening and shop volunteers voted unanimously to become Affiliated. There was a strong belief in the branch that we volunteer for our local community.
We receive no financial help from the Central charity and to enable our service to continue we raise money mostly from our shop on Topping Street, with kind donations from the public and various bucket collections.
The branch is situated in Blackpool, one of the most deprived areas in the country.
Local charities can, and do, struggle so we realised we had to look at other forms of revenue.
In May 2019 we decided to launch our ‘Pay for a Day’ campaign, asking companies within our area to support us in demonstrating their social value to the community.’
It costs £192 to run and maintain our branch and shop each day, this includes initial and on-going training for all our volunteers and paying for our Freecall service 116 123.
It also covers Outreach activities in schools, colleges and HMP Kirkham etc.
Contributions are acknowledged with the presentation of a certificate, highlighting the period they’ve helped to keep the branch running. This is then promoted via our social media channels with photo opportunities. If a company has a date of special significance, we can include this as ‘their’ day.
If this is something your company would like know more about please email [email protected]