Our Banbury & District Samaritans are united in their passion for doing what we do and a dreary November wasn't going to stop them.
After worries about being rained off, we were able to set up our stand for the Brackley Fireworks event where we were kept busy chatting to lots of people and starting the month with a bang.
We were proud to be invited to wreath laying events for Remembrance Sunday on 12th November with volunteers joining the parades in Brackley and Banbury. As always, these are emotional events with so many memories of those lost in combat.
Our Schools Talks Team have been busy too with a visit to the Blessed George Napier School in Banbury meeting sixth form pupils.
And a different highlight this month has been welcoming nine very new Samaritans into the duty room now that they have completed their Core training. They're a great group who will be an asset to the branch and are embracing working alongside their mentors.