There's no stopping our outreach team who have been out promoting Samaritans / Network Rail Small Talk Saves Lives campaign in Banbury and Bicester.
On 7th March we were delighted, and excited, to have the Samaritans Roadshow trailer and crew join us in Banbury market square where we chatted with the stall holders and shoppers. Thames Valley Police, always strong supporters of our work, also stopped by to say hello and pose for a photo. The novelty of there actually being no rain for once soon wore off as the bitter cold started to take effect, but ever resourceful, the team were able to take advantage of being surrounded by some great coffee shops to help take the chill off.
Having finally warmed up, on 12th March we sent them off again, this time to a new location for us - Bicester North Station. There were a few bleary eyes for the 6.00 am start but that didn't last long due to the torrential rain where emergency shelter was quickly located by one of our intrepid volunteers:

The support and engagement from members of the public wherever we go in the Banbury & District area is truly fantastic - thank you and we are looking forward to meeting even more of you in the coming months.